
byebye summer

I didn't go to the beach
I didn't join any summer festival
I didn't fly to any small island
I didn't do so many things that I should have done in summer...
Oh but I am still happy...but I won't tell you why

pic. Ren in Sept, 2008


I wish I could fly

I feel like doing such picture on our way home after a dinner gathering with old colleagues...


I'm easy



The cause of suffering is desire---受難的源頭生於慾望

Goals are desire; 野心是慾望
Possessions are desire;佔有是慾望
Conquests are desire;征服是慾望
Love is a desire;情愛是慾望
Relatioships are desire;關係是慾望
Accomplishments are desire;成就是慾望
Enlightenment is a desire.領悟是慾望

====Siddhartha Gautama喬達摩悉達多/釋迦牟尼 如是說====

pic by ren, water color pencil