巴黎人(他們跟New Yorker一樣,拒絕承認自己是來自法國而是來自巴黎國), 他們真的是跟傳說中一樣拒絕(老莫是說他們不習慣啦!天知道!!!)說英文. 大家在用國際共通語言跟我寒喧一番之後, 馬上恢復法語使用者模式, 然後往往整個party我只能猛吃猛喝, 有幾次還沮喪的把自己灌醉---well, 也是法國的蘋果氣泡酒跟白酒太好喝的緣故啦! 可是我真的不懂耶....大部分老莫的那些朋友都是受過高等教育,遊歷過七大洋五大洲的人, 英文這simple的語言怎麼會難得倒他們?? 在幾次不快的經驗後, 我還是決定要去學法文, 因為我在其中一個party認識一個女生... 雖然我們沒有共通語言但是他還是努力的接近我試圖了解我, 後來我們發現最好的方式是畫畫.這個女生是我唯一認識親切的巴黎人---他今年只有六歲, 我希望他長大之後不會改變他溫暖的個性.
pic: Ren's color pencil painting, done at Thanh's apartment in Paris 13block,Jun08
每天上下班經過時 常在心裏默默對著裡面的神明禱告
幾乎一整天都在廟口下棋抽煙的老人..嗯 熱一點的時候還會看他們人手一罐啤酒, 廟裏沒人的時候甚至把棋戰轉到神明旁的小供桌上;還有一個爸爸傍晚時總帶著剛放學的兩個小女兒虔誠地膜拜;或者是每週信徒參加由神明主持的隨堂課.
我想應該要找天買柱香 恭恭敬敬的跟神明說聲謝謝, 謝謝祂們這一年來的守護 讓我們能夠和樂地住在這個新地方 也麻煩祂們來年繼續關照,讓一切都順利平安.
pic: by Ren in Sept, 2008
Dreaming back to the islands
有兩個最愛的小島 ---巴里島和沖繩
特殊的氣味,南風,音樂, 建築,街角跟人
pci:Ren's painting in Feb, 2009
The Rainbow connection
有關彩虹的歌曲有好多: Over the rainbow(Judy Garlan), 彩虹(紀曉君 , 龍哥)是最被傳唱的....找到了1979年的一首歌曲,近來被Sarah McLachlan 重唱放進專輯裡..
但是, 79年的版本卻是芝麻街的Kermit青蛙唱的呢!!!
written by Kenny Ascher and Paul Williams
Why are there so many songs about rainbows
and what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
and rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we've been told and some choose to believe it.
I know they're wrong, wait and see.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Who said that every wish would be heard
and answered when wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that and someone believed it.
Look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us star gazing
and what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
All of us under its spell. We know that it's probably magic.
Have you been half asleep and have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name.
Is this the sweet sound that called the young sailors.
The voice might be one and the same.
I've heard it too many times to ignore it.
It's something that I'm supposed to be.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
找到了Sarah Mclachlan版
還有令人驚豔的Jason Mraz版
not lonely anymore
Now in my small world, I have Mo, I have Didi and I still have that old guitar.
I am not alone anymore.
pic: by ren in Feb, 2009
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